Our Philosophy
Diverse Learning Environments
The Whole Child
We believe that the healthy development of the whole child requires a strong sense of Being, Belonging and Becoming and use the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework to guide policy, practice
and curriculum.
We support children to develop a strong sense of identity, be connected and contribute to their world, have a strong sense of well-being, be confident and involved learners and be effective communicators.
We support our children to learn both independently and together, with a focus on exploring nature and learning through play.
Community-based Childcare
The Perry Street community includes educators, children and their parents and is committed to high-quality, community-based early childhood education. We value the strong, meaningful and supportive relationships between the children and their educators, with the majority of our educators having worked at Perry St for more than 10 years. Perry St has high staff to child ratios across all rooms.
Perry Street recognises and embraces the diversity within our community and provides an inclusive environment. We acknowledge that diversity goes beyond culture to include different ways of learning and pathways of developing.
Our Community – Children, Families and Educators
Perry Street acknowledges parents as the primary caregivers and most influential educators in their children’s lives. Partnerships between families and educators are critical in the overall education and development of each child. A reciprocal relationship based on a genuine respect of each person’s knowledge of the child is integral to the development and well-being of all children.
Perry Street values early childhood educators as professionals who demonstrate a commitment to excellence in early childhood education and care and the National Quality Frameworks. Early childhood educators value mutual respect and understanding of the many histories, cultures and approaches to caring for and educating young children.
Reconciliation Action Plan
Vision for Reconciliation - The educators at Perry Street Childcare Centre and Elizabeth Gorman Memorial Kindergarten acknowledge the inequalities and inequities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of Australia have faced since colonisation. We strive to continue to learn the true history of colonisation and understand how this has impacted on past, current and future generations.
Perry Street actively promotes reconciliation by:
Ensuring that educators embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples perspectives in their programs with a focus on acknowledging, learning about, and making links with the local Wurundjeri Land and community. This starts in the babies room as educators understand learning begins from birth.
Striving to make links with our local Wurundjeri community.
Children and educators saying a daily acknowledgement to Country.
Encouraging respect for cultural diversity and tackling prejudice.
Providing a culturally safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and all members of our educational community.